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5 Statements Ladies Normally Use To Lure Guys To Bed

Even though ladies are naturally born pretenders that act like they have no hormones and don’t want to sleep with men despite the fact that they also fantasize about it as much as men do just that we label ladies that are blatant about wanting to have S3@.Xx:’ all sort of names.
However, I will say and always continue to say that ladies want S3@.Xx:’ as much as men do just that they are very hypocritical about it for the fear of being ridiculed.. As a result of this, they use body language and sarcastic statements to pass across the message.
I know that many of us are very sensitive to decode and read meaning to these statement
Without wasting time

5 Statements Ladies Normally Use To Lure Guys To Bed

1. “Promise me you will not initiate S3@.Xx:’ when I come”
Some ladies will tell you to promise not to do anything silly when they come. This is a usually a sarcastic statement they often use to test a guy if he’s indeed a man. Just when you invite a lady to your house and tells you on the phone that you to make a solemn not to initiate S3@.Xx:’ during her visitation, be sure that she’s only being sarcastic. This is common with teenagers

2. “I don’t like Dull Guys”
I have been tagged a dull guy by many ladies an this is because I don’t have the courage to initiate love making, or perhaps, I don’t even know where to start from. As a matter of shame, when a lady visits me today her chances of paying me a subsequent visit is very slim. One even visit me last year and after she had spent five hours with me she began to ring to my ears that she hates to visits dull guys. Could you believe she called me as soon as she got to her house and started using sango and ogun to swear for me if I ever call her.

3. Your lips are Sexy
To lure a guy into love making, some ladies will keep staring at you and will confess that your lips are Sexy and conspicuously succulent. This means that she wouldn’t mind locking lips with you.

4. “Don’t tell me your joystick has Erec.ted ?”
Another way many ladies lure guys to bed is that they will focus on your joystick region just to know if it’s above its default state.. The moment your obviously frustrated joystick exceeds its normal level, she will shake her head telling you how disappointed she is, and that she never expected your joystick to be erected. Most times, I use pillow to cover my joystick region so that a man of God like me will not fall for such temptation.

5. “I’m having body pains, Can you Massage Me?
To lure a guy to bed, some ladies will pretend to be suffering from body pains and will ask the guy to massage their body, perhaps their back. When the guy is massaging the back, they will instruct him to move down a little bit, down to the their butts and before you know it, the rest is history. I don’t need to tell you what will happen next.

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