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Six Tips On How To Date a Girl

What do women want? This is one the question that has baffled men since the beginning of time and we men are no closer to understanding women than we were when we huddled around an open fire every night and lived in caves.

Why are women so hard to decipher? Simply because we try to understand them from a man's point of view without understanding the basic premise that women think differently from men. In fact, women have completely different wiring than men and we will never be able to understand them on a logical level, which is how we approach most everything.

Think about it. What do we do when we get together for some fun? We definitely aren't sharing feelings. No, we drink, talk about sports and other apparently innocuous subjects which in fact are a hidden form of competition. You know, the mine's bigger than yours syndrome.

However, for guys this is absolutely natural. On the other hand, when women get together they share their feelings, they watch chick flicks and talk about the latest diet or article in Cosmo. You see, women are mainly driven by emotion. Just as we need logic and structure in our lives, they need emotion. Men thrive on competition, adrenaline, power, domination, while women couldn't really care less about them.


One thing we need to look at is the concept of attraction. You see, attraction will determine whether or not you get a date. The good news, though, is that women are more attracted to personality than they are looks. While looks do play a role, if you have the right personality traits, women will still be attracted to you even if you aren't a Brad Pitt lookalike. So, if your excuse until now has been that you aren't rich, famous or Brad, then you need to realize that it's only an excuse.

While women may be attracted to the rich and famous, personality still wins out and if you have the confidence and humor that women love, then you will win every time, irrespective of the size of your bank account. The even better news is that these are all things that can be learned, meaning that you can actually make yourself more attractive to women by cultivating the type of personality they would be attracted to.

If you are sputtering and mumbling that you shouldn't have to change for a woman to be attracted to you and that she should like you for who you are, then wake up and take a whiff of reality because everyone has to change. We are all changing throughout our lives and we have two choices: we either let life mold us or we channel the change to benefit us.

The Excuse

Most guys who fail with women always have an excuse, but most of the time that excuse is merely in their heads. You see, the main reason a lot of guys fail is because of the way they think which has an impact of their behavior. For example, if you think that you will never have a chance at talking to an attractive woman then your actions will be in line with your thoughts. You will give off a "scared" vibe and you probably even won't approach a woman.

On the other hand, the more confident you are in your abilities to charm and attract a woman, the stronger you will appear and the more attractive you will be. Most of the time the shortcomings we imagine we have stop us from acting and they are so deeply ingrained in our psyche that we don't even realize we have them. The best way for you to overcome this problem is, first, with a little soul searching. You have to identify what the excuse is that has been holding you back so that you can deal with it. Next, you need to educate yourself about women so you know what sparks that feeling of attraction

Personality Traits Women Find Irresistible

There are certain personality traits that you can cultivate which women find completely irresistible. The thing is that women will be attracted and stay attracted to a man who can make her feel good when she is with him or is thinking of him. This means that your personality is your most powerful asset because you can use it to make them feel good. For example, one thing women love is a man with a sense of humor. The more you can make her laugh, the more she will want to spend time with you. Likewise, women are attracted to intelligent men, especially those who know how to use that intelligence to surprise her and engage her.

If you want to really impress a woman, then you need to learn to notice details. You see, women spend a lot of time making sure they look good, so if she has a nice hairdo, it wasn't an accident. She isn't wearing that hot dress because the wardrobe fell on her either. She is trying to impress you and if you notice these details she will be extremely impressed that you noticed her attempts to be attractive to you.

Insecurity is the Biggest Turn Off

One of the biggest obstacles men face is insecurity. This is the one thing that will render you completely unattractive to any woman. Women can detect insecurity immediately and there's nothing that will turn her off quite as much as an insecure guy. A man who doesn't feel comfortable in a certain situation or is uncomfortable with who he is will come across as being insecure. He may try to appear confident, but it is quite clear that is only an act because he is trying to gain approval at the same time through what he says or how he acts. Some examples of insecure behavior include allowing others to make the decisions.

So, if you are always waiting for her to decide what you will be doing or where you will be going she will think you are insecure. Women like it when men decide what is going to happen and then they simply do it. If she wants to do something else, she will tell you but don't always expect her to make the decisions.

Women and S3x

Let's get something straight. Women love s3x just as much as men. Society has simply made it a taboo topic but the truth of the matter is that woman enjoy sex and, yes, they talk about it with their girlfriends all the time. OK, it's true that they aren't as fixated as men are but they still will find themselves magnetically drawn to a man who is a skillful lover.

 Finding a man who knows how to please a woman in bed is not easy, as most guys are quite selfish in this department. Woman are different than men when it comes to sexual pleasure and their mind needs to be involved just as much as their body or there won't be any fireworks. Most guys just rush through it, without realizing that it takes much more than a "wham, bang, thank you ma'am" to please a woman in bed.

How does this affect your ability to date any girl? Women pick up on things like this quickly because they are masters at reading body language. And a man who knows how to please a woman exudes a certain confidence that says "I am going to rock your world" and women can pick up on that. By becoming a master at pleasing women, you will not only become more attractive to women, but you will also maintain that attraction. After all, a skilled lover is a rare commodity and they won't want to let you go.

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